10 Quick Tips On How To Keep Your Love Lasting
10 Quick Tips on How to Keep Your Love Lasting by Toi Moore
After being married for over 20 years, celebrity author TOI MOORE and her husband, Earth, Wind & Fire guitarist, GREGORY MOORE, share how they've been able to keep love lasting. This celebrity couple shares their most intimate details with the world while explaining how others can keep their love lasting in their new book, Unbreakable - A Guide to Understanding Marriage & Relationships. In this book, they explore the female view, verses the male view. Then you can decide which view works for you. toimoore.com
Here are five quick tips on what Toi suggests you can do to make your love last:
1) COMMUNICATE - First and foremost, you MUST communicate with your mate or your relationship is doomed! Without communication, you can't trust, love or do anything else in your relationship that will cause longevity.
2) TRUST - You have to have trust in the man you love in order for things to work. If you lose trust, you've lost everything. ALWAYS remember, TRUST IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN! 3) LOVE - You can not have a successful marriage if you don't love your mate! In my opinion, in order to have a long and lasting relationship or marriage, you need to be in love the old fashioned way; by dating, only kissing - no sex in the beginning, and a lot of talking - getting to know each other before making any commitments! 4) RESPECT - I feel that respect is soooooooooooo very important in any relationship. If you don't respect each other your relationship has no chance of surviving!
5) SPACE - Finally, Space! I have to admit that a lot of the reason I've been able to stay married to the same man for over 20 years and still be in love is because he leaves town every once in awhile!:) You both need space to miss and trust each other.
Now, for the male point of view, here are five quick tips on what Greg suggests you can do to make your love last:
1) MONEY - The reason I say that my first rule is money is because personally when I don't have money.
2) LOVE - I think you should love, but you shouldn't love to the point where you can't think about anything else, that isn't healthy. 3) PATIENCE - Patience, that's a big, big one! That's something I've been trying to learn since I was a child. 4) COMMUNICATION - I strongly believe that a strong relationship is built on communication. I'm still working on Toi when it comes to that rule.
5) SACRIFICING - Sacrificing is a big thing for me. Throughout my relationship with Toi, I've sacrificed a lot and so has she. I'm proud of both of us in that aspect.
Published: Sep 17,2008 14:21
Andy Cowan
Andy Cowan, an award-winning writer, whose credits include Cheers and Seinfeld, regularly contributes humor pieces to the Los Angeles Times and the CBS Jack FM Radio Network.
Paul M. J. Suchecki
Paul M. J. Suchecki has more than 30 years of experience as an award winning writer, producer, and cameraman. He's written numerous newspaper and magazine articles. Currently he writes, produces and shoots for LA CityView Channel 35 and his more than 250 articles for Ehow.com are approaching half a million readers.
Coby Kindles
Coby Kindles is a freelance journalist, screenplay writer and essayist. She has been a staff writer at Knight Ridder and a regular contributor to The Associated Press.
Debbie Milam
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Dan Rafter
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