Is The Fire Going Out In Your Relationship?
By Toi Moore
(Below is an excerpt from the new book, Unbreakable - A Guide to Understanding Marriage & Relationships, by GREGORY and TOI MOORE. Below are Greg's views of how to keep the fire burning in your relationship.)
If the fire is going out in your relationship, it's time to bring a little romance in. I found that women get bored doing the same thing, in the same place, at the same time. It can be convenient for you, but they like excitement. So you should find new places to make love like; the park, on boats, on the rocks by the water, in the elevator, in the shower, and on balconies while pulling on their hair, just make sure her weave doesn't fall out, or you'll have trouble. You may also want to take a candlelit bath, even if it's a tight squeeze for both of you to fit. Pleasing your woman is something that's very important in a relationship, because if she isn't pleased, she may find her pleasure with someone else. I may not be the most romantic man around, but I do enjoy pleasing my wife. Pleasing Toi has always been on the top of my list of things to do to make our relationship last, and she's still here. So, do what you have to do to please your woman and she will stay at home pleasing you. These are just a few suggestions that will help you get that fire burning again. Unbreakable - A Guide to Understanding Marriage & Relationships, is written by celebrity author TOI MOORE and her husband, Earth, Wind & Fire guitarist, GREGORY MOORE. Together, this celebrity couple share their most intimate details with the world and how they've been able to keep their love lasting for over twenty years. This book explores the female view, verses the male view. You decide which view works for you. If you want to hear more details, you can buy their book for ONLY $14.99, with FREE shipping and handling for limited time only. Visit their website:
Published: Sep 17,2008 14:25
Andy Cowan
Andy Cowan, an award-winning writer, whose credits include Cheers and Seinfeld, regularly contributes humor pieces to the Los Angeles Times and the CBS Jack FM Radio Network.
Paul M. J. Suchecki
Paul M. J. Suchecki has more than 30 years of experience as an award winning writer, producer, and cameraman. He's written numerous newspaper and magazine articles. Currently he writes, produces and shoots for LA CityView Channel 35 and his more than 250 articles for are approaching half a million readers.
Coby Kindles
Coby Kindles is a freelance journalist, screenplay writer and essayist. She has been a staff writer at Knight Ridder and a regular contributor to The Associated Press.
Debbie Milam
Debbie Milam is a syndicated columnist for United Press International, an occupational therapist, family success consultant, and motivational speaker with more than 20 years experience. Her work on stress management, spirituality, parenting, and special-needs children has been featured in over 300 media outlets including First for Women, The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, The Hallmark Channel, PBS and WebMD.
Dan Rafter
Dan Rafter has covered the residential real estate industry for more than 15 years. He has contributed real estate stories to the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Business 2.0 Magazine, Home Magazine, Smart HomeOwner Magazine and many others.
Jack Nargundkar
Jack Nargundkar has been repeatedly published in Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. He is also an author of "The Bush Diaries" published in July 2005.